Aromatic ball candleHome>Shop>HOME SCENTS>Scented Candles>Aromatic ball candleAromatic ball candle$5.00Diameter: 5.5 cm Burning time: 12 hoursScent Choose a scentJasmineLemongrassLotusMangoFrangipaniSandalwoodPeppermintClear Aromatic ball candle quantity Add to basket Weight139 gDimensions7 × 7 × 5.5 cmScentJasmine, Lemongrass, Lotus, Mango, Frangipani, Sandalwood, Peppermint SKU: R73 Category: Scented Candles Tags: aromatic, atmosphere, candle, handmade, scentedShare000Reviews(0)There are no reviews yet.Add a ReviewBe the first to review “Aromatic ball candle”Your review *Your ratingRate…PerfectGoodAverageNot that badVery Poor Name * Email *
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